Coriolis湿壁气旋型采样器能够以300 lpm的高流速将空气中的生物颗粒快速采集到收集液中。Coriolis采样器与多种RMM(快速微生物法)联用,可以在几个小时内得到可靠结果。
Airborne Endotoxins Detection in Offices
Accessing indoor fungal contamination using conventional and molecular methods in Portuguese poultries
Detection of Streptococcus suis in Bioaerosols of Swine Confinement Buildings Laetitia Bonifait, Marc Veillette, Val&e
Detection of fungi yeasts contamination in a food factory Comparison of impinger & Coriolis methods背景在食品加工与
Airborne microbiological monitoring of clean rooms in a pharmaceutical production site
Detection of airborne lactococcal bacteriophages in cheese manufacturing plants
Quantification and Spread of Pneumocystis jirovecii in the Surrounding Air of Patients with Pneumocystis Pneumonia
Rapid quantification of viable fungi in hospital environments: analysis of air and surface samples using solid-phase cytometry
Airborne Stachybotrys chartarum detection in offices
Neuraminidase as an enzymatic marker for detecting airborne Influenza virus and other viruses
Fungal burden in waste industry: an occupational risk to be solved
通过corioli u生物气溶胶采样器采集含有接种猪仔空间的空气样品,通过RT-PCR的方法监测,测试猪流感病毒(Swine Influenza) 病毒存在通过气溶胶传播的可能性
全球变暖是未来几年全球面临的主要挑战之一。科学家们已经向国际社会发出警告,极地冰盖正日益迅速地融化,并在全球各地造成严重后果。 极...
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