1.Comparison of the Grimm 1.108 and 1.109 Portable Aerosol Spectrometer to the TSI 3321 Aerodynamic Particle Sizer for Dry Particles——《Annals of Occupational Hygiene》2006
2.Characterizing the performance of two optical particle counters (Grimm OPC1.108 and OPC1.109) under urban aerosol conditions——《Journal of Aerosol Science》2010
3.Monitoring diesel particulate matter and calculating diesel particulate densities using Grimm model 1.109 real-time aerosol monitors in underground mines——《Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene》2012
4.Monitoring concentrations of select metals in workplace smelter airborne particulates using a Grimm 1.109 Real-time Portable Aerosol Spectrometer——《Journal of Chemical Health & Safety》2010
5.Wintertime PM 2.5 concentrations during persistent, multi-day cold-air pools in a mountain valley——《Atmospheric Environment》2012
6.Characterization of an aerodynamic lens for transmitting particles >1 micrometer in diameter into the Aerodyne aerosol mass spectrometer——《Atmospheric Measurement Techniques》2013
7.The Development and Validation of an Isokinetic Calibration System for Multiple Aerosol Instruments——《Journal of Applied Sciences》2014
8.Particulate matter (PM) 2.5 levels in ETS emissions of a Marlboro Red cigarette in comparison to the 3R4F reference cigarette under open- and closed-door condition——《Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology》2012
9.Fine particles characterization in residential homes located in different microenvironment of India——《Reviews on Environmental Health》2014
10. Measurement of Particle Concentrations above a Forest and Surrounding Farmland——《Agu Fall Meeting》2008
11. The Red Mud Accident in Ajka (Hungary): Characterization and Potential Health Effects of Fugitive Dust——《Environmental Science & Technology》2011
12. Seasonal trends of PM 10 , PM 5.0 , PM 2.5 & PM 1.0 in indoor and outdoor environments of residential homes located in North-Central India——《Building & Environment》2012
13.Seasonal and diurnal variations in aerosol concentrations at a high-altitude site on the northern boundary of Qinghai-Xizang Plateau——《Atmospheric Research》2013
14.Characterization of Inhalable, Thoracic, and Respirable Fractions and Ultrafine Particle Exposure During Grinding, Brazing, and Welding Activities in a Mechanical Engineering Factory——《Journal of Occupational & Environmental Medicine》2013
15. Comparison between summertime and wintertime Arctic Ocean primary marine aerosol properties——《Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics》2012
16. Evolution of microbial aerosol behaviour in heating, ventilating and air-conditioning systems--quantification of Staphylococcus epidermidis and Penicillium oxalicum viability——《Environmental Technology》2012
17. Mass and Number Size Distributions of Emitted Particulates at Five Important Operation Units in a Hazardous Industrial Waste Incineration Plant——《Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene》2016
18. A comparison of direct-reading instruments for the measurement of hexavalent chromium during stainless steel welding——《Journal of Chemical Health & Safety》2015
19. Investigation of the cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) activation behaviour of the atmospheric aerosol in Vienna——《Journal of Vibration & Shock》2012
20. Aircraft in situ and remote sensing measurements of emissions from Etna volcano, Sicily——《European Geophysical Union》2012
21. A comparison of real-time monitoring of select metal concentrations in a copper smelter workplace compared to standard pump air sampling monitoring methods——《Journal of Chemical Health & Safety》2011
22. Aerosol Fluxes over Amazon Rain Forest Measured with the Eddy Covariance Method——《Agu Fall Meeting》2008
23. Characterisation of nano- and micron-sized airborne and collected subway particles, a multi-analytical approach——《Science of the Total Environment》2012
24.The Unique Properties of Agricultural Aerosols Measured at a Cattle Feeding Operation——《Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics》2011
25.Technical Note: Experiences of Studying Airborne Wear Particles from Road and Rail Transport——《Aerosol & Air Quality Research》2013
26. Evaluation of new low-cost particle monitors for PM2.5 concentrations measurements——《Journal of Aerosol Science》2016
27.Exposure assessment and associated lung deposition calculations for vehicular exhaust in four metropolitan cities of Pakistan——《Environmental Monitoring and Assessment》2013
28.A comparison of direct-reading instruments for the measurement of hexavalent chromium during stainless steel welding——《Journal of Chemical Health &Safety》2015
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