
GRIMM OPC便携式光学粒径谱仪应用文献

发布人:zlzhao 来源: 发布时间:1490347180
  • 1.Comparison of the Grimm 1.108 and 1.109 Portable Aerosol Spectrometer to the TSI 3321 Aerodynamic Particle Sizer for Dry Particles——《Annals of Occupational Hygiene》2006
  • 2.Characterizing the performance of two optical particle counters (Grimm OPC1.108 and OPC1.109) under urban aerosol conditions——《Journal of Aerosol Science》2010
  • 3.Monitoring diesel particulate matter and calculating diesel particulate densities using Grimm model 1.109 real-time aerosol monitors in underground mines——《Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene》2012
  • 4.Monitoring concentrations of select metals in workplace smelter airborne particulates using a Grimm 1.109 Real-time Portable Aerosol Spectrometer——《Journal of Chemical Health & Safety》2010
  • 5.Wintertime PM 2.5 concentrations during persistent, multi-day cold-air pools in a mountain valley——《Atmospheric Environment》2012
  • 6.Characterization of an aerodynamic lens for transmitting particles >1 micrometer in diameter into the Aerodyne aerosol mass spectrometer——《Atmospheric Measurement Techniques》2013
  • 7.The Development and Validation of an Isokinetic Calibration System for Multiple Aerosol Instruments——《Journal of Applied Sciences》2014
  • 8.Particulate matter (PM) 2.5 levels in ETS emissions of a Marlboro Red cigarette in comparison to the 3R4F reference cigarette under open- and closed-door condition——《Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology》2012
  • 9.Fine particles characterization in residential homes located in different microenvironment of India——《Reviews on Environmental Health》2014
  • 10. Measurement of Particle Concentrations above a Forest and Surrounding Farmland——《Agu Fall Meeting》2008
  • 11. The Red Mud Accident in Ajka (Hungary): Characterization and Potential Health Effects of Fugitive Dust——《Environmental Science & Technology》2011
  • 12. Seasonal trends of PM 10 , PM 5.0 , PM 2.5 & PM 1.0 in indoor and outdoor environments of residential homes located in North-Central India——《Building & Environment》2012
  • 13.Seasonal and diurnal variations in aerosol concentrations at a high-altitude site on the northern boundary of Qinghai-Xizang Plateau——《Atmospheric Research》2013
  • 14.Characterization of Inhalable, Thoracic, and Respirable Fractions and Ultrafine Particle Exposure During Grinding, Brazing, and Welding Activities in a Mechanical Engineering Factory——《Journal of Occupational & Environmental Medicine》2013
  • 15. Comparison between summertime and wintertime Arctic Ocean primary marine aerosol properties——《Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics》2012
  • 16. Evolution of microbial aerosol behaviour in heating, ventilating and air-conditioning systems--quantification of Staphylococcus epidermidis and Penicillium oxalicum viability——《Environmental Technology》2012
  • 17. Mass and Number Size Distributions of Emitted Particulates at Five Important Operation Units in a Hazardous Industrial Waste Incineration Plant——《Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene》2016
  • 18. A comparison of direct-reading instruments for the measurement of hexavalent chromium during stainless steel welding——《Journal of Chemical Health & Safety》2015
  • 19. Investigation of the cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) activation behaviour of the atmospheric aerosol in Vienna——《Journal of Vibration & Shock》2012
  • 20. Aircraft in situ and remote sensing measurements of emissions from Etna volcano, Sicily——《European Geophysical Union》2012
  • 21. A comparison of real-time monitoring of select metal concentrations in a copper smelter workplace compared to standard pump air sampling monitoring methods——《Journal of Chemical Health & Safety》2011
  • 22. Aerosol Fluxes over Amazon Rain Forest Measured with the Eddy Covariance Method——《Agu Fall Meeting》2008
  • 23. Characterisation of nano- and micron-sized airborne and collected subway particles, a multi-analytical approach——《Science of the Total Environment》2012
  • 24.The Unique Properties of Agricultural Aerosols Measured at a Cattle Feeding Operation——《Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics》2011
  • 25.Technical Note: Experiences of Studying Airborne Wear Particles from Road and Rail Transport——《Aerosol & Air Quality Research》2013
  • 26. Evaluation of new low-cost particle monitors for PM2.5 concentrations measurements——《Journal of Aerosol Science》2016
  • 27.Exposure assessment and associated lung deposition calculations for vehicular exhaust in four metropolitan cities of Pakistan——《Environmental Monitoring and Assessment》2013
  • 28.A comparison of direct-reading instruments for the measurement of hexavalent chromium during stainless steel welding——《Journal of Chemical Health &Safety》2015
  • 29.雾霾模拟方法及其装置研究——《高电压技术》2014